28. 7. 2024

Capital market helps in charity

The Endowment Fund of the Central Securities Depository together with the 2091 Endowment Fund supported several charity projects with more than CZK 4 million. The symbolic cheques were handed over by the representatives of the Prague Stock Exchange, the Central Securities Depository and the 2091 Endowment Fund during a charity evening held on the occasion of the annual summer meeting of capital market representatives.

The main theme: Children at risk

The main part of the proceeds was given to the Granter project, which supports the activities of the Children at Risk Fund - Klokánek, the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology at Motol University Hospital and the Department of Paediatric Oncology at the University Hospital Brno. Representatives of these organisations, which help sick or abused and abandoned children in the Czech Republic, received a cheque for CZK 2.76 million. The amount will be used to cover the costs of psychological care, salaries of data managers and caregivers.

Photo: Presentation of a cheque for CZK 2,760,000 to the Granter project. The cheque was received by the Head of the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology at Motol University Hospital Doc. MUDr. Lucie Šrámková, Ph.D. and the chairwoman of the Fund for Children at Risk Hanka Kupková.

Socially responsible issuers from the START market

Three issuers from the START market also presented during the evening. Companies that strive to have the lowest possible negative impact on the planet in their business activities. Among those presented was mmcité, a group that has long been fighting against the illegal logging of tropical Jatoba wood, which it processes in the production of urban furniture. As part of the event, mmcité supported non-profit organisations protecting rainforests in South America with CZK 200,000.

The second company presented was KARO Leather, a leather processor that is investing in new production capacities in the Czech Republic that would be able to process cowhide as a waste product of the meat industry. Today, KARO Leather imports most of its material by container shipping from South America and India, but the aim is to process in the future only local raw material, which is now largely burned in rendering plants as animal waste without further use. KARO Leather has therefore supported non-profit organisations protecting the world's oceans with CZK 200,000 for the event.

The third company was Bezvavlasy, a distributor of professional hair cosmetics, which supported organizations protecting global biodiversity with CZK 100,000. The company itself tries to promote brands in its portfolio that try to use local raw materials in development and subsequent production, minimize packaging waste and do not test their products on animals.

A further CZK 300,000 was donated by the STARTEEPO financial group. The amount will be donated to the Ochmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kiev, which was significantly damaged by the Russian missile attacks on 8 July. It is the largest children's hospital in Ukraine and has been saving children's lives since 1894. The hospital has a total of 720 hospital beds and treats more than 20,000 people a year.

CZK 142,000 was donated by the visitors to the charity evening, which was part of a traditional summer party organised by the Prague Stock Exchange and its subsidiaries for partners from the capital market. The Prague Stock Exchange itself, as the organiser, donated a further CZK 300,000.

During the evening, in addition to CZK 2.76 million for the Granter project, another CZK 1.24 million was raised and distributed among other projects associated with the VAKOVAKO donor platform. It technically managed the entire event collection and will also take care of the distribution of 100% of the collected donations for the target purposes.

Photo: Presentation of a cheque for CZK 1,240,000 to the VAKOVAKO donor platform. The cheque was received by František Bostl, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the 2091 Foundation, and Kristýna Kořínková, Executive Director of VAKOVAKO, from Petr Koblic, CEO of the Prague Stock Exchange.

About the Central Depository Endowment Fund

The Central Depository Endowment Fund allows security holders to seize, free of charge, those securities they deem to be worthless. The Fund accumulates these securities and then sells those that have some residual value, creating a pool of funds from which, in accordance with the Fund's statutes, it finances educational, training and social programs. In its existence, the fund has already redistributed more than CZK 8 million. The subscribers of the fund include, among others, the Magdalena Kožená Foundation Fund (NFMK), which connects talented pupils of primary art schools and young artists with disabilities or social disadvantages. The biggest project of the NFMK is the national festival ZUŠ Open, which has developed from a happening into a respected and unique festival of art education and the largest cultural event in the Czech Republic.

About the 2091 Endowment Fund

The 2091 Endowment Fund from the STARTEEPO financial group in the Czech Republic focuses on helping sick and abused or abandoned children through the Granter project and on helping animals through the Emánek project, which covers the veterinary costs of animal shelters and associations. The third and largest project is the global donation app VAKOVAKO, which makes donating easier and more accessible to everyone. Users can send their donation through the app from as little as one crown to around 20 verified institutions. The app also uses the option of regular payments and smart bundling of donations to individual thematic areas such as forests, oceans, biodiversity, most endangered species and humanity. The app is available on the App Store and Google Play worldwide.

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